Launch of the new technology focus IT2Green: energy efficient ICT for SMEs, management and housing

on Sunday, May 8, 2011

software solutions
Today was held in Berlin, the opening conference of the technology competition IT2Green. For this purpose, representatives of 49 companies and scientific institutions have come together who could qualify for participation in the competition. Goal of IT2Green is to reduce the power consumption of information and communication technologies (ICT) in data centers, telecommunications networks, office and home applications.

The Federal Minister of Economics and Technology, Rainer BrĂ¼derle, the program starts: "The rapid development and distribution of digital content in the form of text, images, audio and video features as well as a growing number of devices and new online services lead to increased power consumption. that we want to reduce the long term. The projects selected in the program IT2Green give an important impetus for greater energy efficiency in this area. "

Under the program, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in the next three years, Germany's ten projects with around 30 million €. Total investment industry, research and policy on technology focus IT2Green about 60 million €.

Research shows that network-based services and ICT infrastructure to develop a current wholesale customers. Already in 2009 led to one from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Fraunhofer-commissioned study found that ICT accounts for more than ten percent of Germany's electricity needs. On the one hand, the use of ICT users in areas such as engineering, transport or energy sector so that although significant energy savings. On the other hand, the ICT itself, however, claim a growing share of total electricity consumption.

The program IT2Green therefore aims at the development of more efficient structures of information and communication technologies. The ten selected funding projects for developing energy-efficient solutions in the three areas of 'telecommunications network', 'data centers and Clouds "and" Monitoring and Management.

In the "telecommunications networks" is about the maximum energy efficiency through better activity and load control in wireless and fixed networks. Focus on "data centers and Clouds", projects dealing with innovative concepts for data management and information load displacement for the energy efficient design of data centers, including the use of cloud computing technologies. The "Monitoring and Management" finally developed and tested new
Measurement, presentation and control procedures to improve the energy efficiency of ICT.

The Programme IT2Green is part of the IT-summit in November 2008 adopted the Action Plan "Green IT Pioneer Germany." The focus will be energy efficient and environmentally innovative information and communication infrastructures and the development of services for SMEs, management and housing. The aim of the research projects are the development and testing of systems solutions that reduce energy consumption of information and communication technology (ICT) significantly.


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